1. Walk ahead of some guy whistling Pop Goes the Weasel.
2. Wake up at 5:30 AM to go the temple.
3. Listen to Best Day of My Life by American Authors. Repeatedly.
4. Wish my roommate would turn down the brightness on her computer screen BECAUSE ITS REALLY BRIGHT AND ITS 2 AM AND I CAN'T SLEEP AND WHY ARE YOU STILL WATCHING NETFLIX ANYWAY
5. Wear sweatpants.
6. Sit inside of a suitcase.
It's incredible how often I hear the sentence, "Hey, Alyssa, you're not very big, let's see if you can fit into this REALLY SMALL SPACE." Apparently the fact that I am 5' 9'' doesn't phase anyone. Including me, because just as often as I hear that sentence, I respond with, "HECK YES I CAN!!" And I do. And promptly remember that I'm claustrophobic.
The plan was to dump the suitcase (with someone inside) in front of various doors on our floor, bang on the door and run, leaving the occupant of the room to discover a wiggling, noise-making suitcase. Danielle tried to fit inside first, because she is just as small as I am, but a little bit shorter. Her (amazingly glorious) hair didn't fit, so I heard the familiar sentence and shoved myself into the suitcase. As Becky zipped me up, I suddenly remembered my fear of small, dark spaces. "Guys....you have to promise to let me out when we're done. Okay? OKAY???" They didn't answer, and by that point, it was too late.
I heard them pound on the door and run away, leaving me in the suitcase for someone to discover. When the door opened, I thrashed around and moaned and squealed inside the suitcase. We did this several times, and sometimes I would stick my hand out once the suitcase started to be unzipped and grab at the arms and legs of our prank-ee. The reactions (screaming, rolling eyes, horror stricken faces, etc.) were PRICELESS. We will be doing this again. :)
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